The Trunnion - Blog of Patrick McBriarty

Archive for the ‘exit Chicago’ Category

Milwaukee or Bust?!

Saturday, October 15th, 2022 - By Patrick T. McBriarty
That’s right, “Milwaukee or Bust”.  So, while not literally driving a beat-up Model-T cross-country for the promise land, echoing back to 1930s Dust Bowl days, the metaphor helps dramatize my move and internal travails to find a new home.  Temporarily living in “God’s Country” (as my cousin’s refer to Wisconsin) shifted my mindset, which has evolved over the past couple months as a post-pandemic, 50s-something. My June blogpost “Exit Chicago” detailed uprooting myself from Chicago to try out Wisconsin while still buzzing back to the city one-day a week for appointments with Back to Natural Health and catch friends.    Read More

Exit Chicago

Sunday, June 19th, 2022 - By Patrick T. McBriarty
It’s been too long, since Thanksgiving that I sent an email update.  Much has happened. Most dramatic on November 30th Jim Sugrue and Doc. Lynda probably saved my life by getting me to Illinois Masonic Hospital.  I was unable to think clearly or form words and later learned low-sodium spurred by a second bout of Covid (Delta or Omicron, who knows?) and my mistakenly pushing too much water.  This gave me a front row seat to learn the old adage is true: Ignorance really IS bliss, for I didn’t suffer and have only fleeting, dazed and confused memories of the initial 36-48 hours.  Read More


noun   trun·nion   \ˈtrən-yən\

a pin or pivot on which something is supported.

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