The Trunnion - Blog of Patrick McBriarty

Tag Archive: research

Mmmm ma My Corona!

Monday, March 30th, 2020 - By Patrick T. McBriarty
I am not going to get all “soap-boxy” about what should have been done to combat this pandemic.  Plenty of that can be found elsewhere, but suffice it to say face masks are a good idea.  In Czech Republic they have used them quite successfully to curb the spread of the Coronoavirus (COVID-19). In my case, I believe (without readily available tests, still unconfirmed) I came down with Coronavirus last Monday (3/16).  I have no idea where or how I got it.  Read More

How to Write a History Book

Thursday, May 10th, 2018 - By Patrick T. McBriarty
Each author has her or his own approach, but the trick to writing a book is trusting the process.  As Hemingway advised a young writer, “the first draft of anything is shit!” explaining that the real work comes in the revising, rewriting, and reworking of a manuscript as many as forty, maybe fifty times, to get to the finished product. For many writers, myself included, the first draft can be the hardest to complete, even though it is rarely where the bulk of the time lies.  Read More


noun   trun·nion   \ˈtrən-yən\

a pin or pivot on which something is supported.

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